August 15, 2004

Today Wiesje an I put all our stuff on display. I will create a more interactive and extensive packing list online soon, but for now you can see what will will be taking on our journey in thid modest list.

The bags
Wiesjes bags, with history, on the left. Roberts bags, still green, on the right.

Binoculars, book, mp3 player, photo cameras, aquarel/painting set, mouth harmonica.

The hospital
The first aid klit (contents will follow) (preventive) medications and a medical point-it card we got from Jan-Pieter.

Tools & maintenance
Magura repair kit, reserve chainrings, crank-puller, imbus sets, spare tyres etc. All the gear in the uppler-left corner will be setn tou our contact-address in Ghana.

Our house
The tent with some of the diffent pens for rock- and sand-surfaces. Two sleeping bags and our mats. Just to make sure who’s the toughest: Wiesjes mat is the thinnest by far.

The maps:
The entire set of maps that landschap helped us with.

The kitchen
A pill of getting-started food and some hartkecks. Also the MSR XGK expedition stove. We’ll try to take out Coleman fuel as far as possible as this will clean our burner. Our pans are a combination MSR and Vaude steel pans (for the heat of the burner).

Our clothes
This is not complete yet. A.O. Roberts’ shoes aren’t there yet. Wiesje Clothes are ont he left, Roberts’ are on the right.

Toothbrushes ans what should be a life-long supply of DEET (against musquitos).

Same bathroom, stripped to the bare essentials

That watertap
This will be our watersupply. We’ll be carrying three kinds of bidons, 1 ceramic waterfilter, two jerrycans and two emergency bags to carry a lot of water. We also have Hadex chemical wate purifyer and carbon fillings for the filter.

August 1, 2004

On August 1st, Wiesje and I had a sort of make-over party. We tried out all our clothes of the next 15 months.
Click on this image to see the enlargement. (Internet Explorer 6 users may then see only a small version, the can push the button on the bottom-right to see the enlarged picture))